Spartan and Lakeside Bowling Club, Bexhill, East Sussex
If you would like to join us or require any information, please send email to:
Include: Your name.
Would like more information.
If you have played before.
If so, what club and normal playing position.
I wish to become a member of the Spartan & Lakeside Bowling Club and I hereby apply in accordance with Club Rule 3. I am aware of the ‘non return rule’ included in Rule 3. (For this rule see below). I understand that my home address/ email address will be stored only for the purposes of posting relevant information regarding Spartan & Lakeside Bowling Club and not for any other purposes. I also agree that my name and telephone number can be displayed on the club notice board in order that other members can contact to make appropriate arrangements for games etc.
a) Applications for membership shall be made on the form provided and must be proposed and seconded by Members. Completed forms to be posted on the Club notice board for seven days, after which applications will be considered at the next General Committee Meeting.
b) Any member voluntarily leaving the Club to join any other Affiliated Sussex Outdoor Bowls Club shall by this action make themselves ineligible to return to Spartan and Lakeside Bowling Club for a period of THREE full seasons following the date of their departure.
The Committee shall have the power to waive the Three season period but only after considering the reasons for the member’s departure and the views of the membership regarding those circumstances.
c) There has been a change of rule: A playing member of Spartan and Lakeside Bowling Club can also be a Playing member of any other Affiliated Outdoor Bowls Club in Sussex.